spell spam

Crafting cost: 6660

  • Tactical Advantage


  • Keira Metz

    12 : 800

  • Oneiromancy

    12 : 800

  • Amphibious Assault

    12 : 800

  • Chapter of Wizards

    12 : 800

  • Triss: Telekinesis

    10 : 800

  • Donimir of Troy

    10 : 800

  • Idarran of Ulivo

    8 : 800

  • Reinforcements

    6 : 200

  • Onagerx2

    6 : 30

  • Reinforced Ballistax2

    5 : 80

  • Siege Masterx2

    5 : 30

  • Forbidden Magic

    5 : 80

  • Runewordx2

    5 : 80

  • Cintrian Spellweaverx2

    5 : 30

  • Carroballistax2

    5 : 30

  • Bombardmentx2

    4 : 30

  • Pactx2

    4 : 80

Idarran is great with cards that spawns/create like reinforcements/chapter of wiz/ runeword/forbidden magic our aim is to spawn as many spellweavers as possible spellweavers get a charge everytime you play a mage or a spell. runeword/triss is great when you have deployed all your spellweavers and triss is a mage hence all of them will get a charge, runeword is a spell they gain another charge, runeword creates another mage.. hence another mage hence 1 more charge. you can change triss with adalia for another extra spellweaver Keira Metz is great when playing all the unique spells.. also giving 1 charge to each spellweaver for every spell Keira plays we have 3 unique spell cards. playing keira as the 4th cardfrom the last is optimal we can spawn using reinforcements chapter of wizards/ runeword can also spawn spellweaver though it is a rare chance use 1 onager with siege engines to secure the 1 round use another onager with Spellweaver to secure another round.

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